[0:45] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Once upon a time, in a seaside village far removed from the accepted bounds of geography was born to a poor fisherman and his wife, a baby boy
[0:46] Leaf SpiritWeaver: This boy was, from the outset, unusual.
[0:46] Leaf SpiritWeaver: His skin was as pale as milk, and his hair was as fine and golden as spun sunlght.
[0:46] Leaf SpiritWeaver: But it was his eyes that were the most startling
[0:46] Griffin Mornington: I wish Brad was hear to lissen to all these wonderful stories
[0:47] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Rather than normal eyes, the eyes were like two windows of the purest ice or glass
[0:47] Griffin Mornington: Awww Okay if you say soo
[0:47] Leaf SpiritWeaver: and in a certain slant of light, you could look into his eyes and see the edge of forever
[0:48] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Now...in a wrecked house on the hill overlooking this same village a terrible thing had happened.
[0:48] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Once, a man had lived within the walls with the love of his life - but tragedy crept in and stole his love.
[0:48] Griffin Mornington: Lol wise up for once
[0:49] Griffin Mornington: The man tellign his story
[0:49] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Over the days and weeks, the man faded away as his heart froze over.
[0:49] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Soon..there was nothing left but a sad, silver shado where he had lived.
[0:50] Leaf SpiritWeaver: To this village, one day came a terrible and powerful man, who declared he would reside withing the walls of the broken house, as he could see the structure was still regal
[0:50] Leaf SpiritWeaver: But as soon as he moved in, tragedies began to occur.
[0:51] Rimpoche Kiama: o.O
[0:51] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Accidents happened, and workmen were injured
[0:51] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Priceless artworks were mangled
[0:51] Griffin Mornington: ;.:
[0:51] Griffin Mornington crys
[0:52] Leaf SpiritWeaver: And at length the work stopped....and one by one the workes fled, until one night the lord of the house tore into the village babbling about a cold silver shadow, and cursing the village
[0:53] Leaf SpiritWeaver: He feared the shadow would follow him to the ends of the earth, and so he offered all of his worldly posessions to the one who could stop the ghost.
[0:53] Leaf SpiritWeaver: You may remember the boy from earlier?
[0:53] Griffin Mornington: Yes what part does he play?
[0:54] Leaf SpiritWeaver: He had grown a bit, but he was still unusual..he was withdrawn and shy..a bit of a "lone wolf"
[0:54] Griffin Mornington feels chills down his back
[0:54] Leaf SpiritWeaver: He had no friends, and he existed largely in the fantasies that played out in his head.
[0:54] Leaf SpiritWeaver: But...this boy had a strange power about him
[0:54] Leaf SpiritWeaver: And his family knew it
[0:55] Leaf SpiritWeaver: They could see that he was no ordinary boy, but rather a creature of light and hope
[0:55] Leaf SpiritWeaver: The boy's father took him to the house, and led him quietly across the courtyard
[0:56] Leaf SpiritWeaver: He took him to the door, and nudged him tenderly inside
[0:56] Leaf SpiritWeaver: The room began to grow cold
[0:56] Leaf SpiritWeaver: The shadow began to stir, and flicker into form from the corners of the room
[0:57] Leaf SpiritWeaver: The shadow came toward the boy, and the boy, unable to act for the momentary loss of his wits, stared helplessly as the spectre approached
[0:57] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Then...the specter froze
[0:57] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Shimmered
[0:57] Leaf SpiritWeaver: And vanished
[0:58] Leaf SpiritWeaver: The boy who had been an oddity became master of the valley and village
[0:58] Leaf SpiritWeaver: He had beaten the ghost
[0:58] Leaf SpiritWeaver: But nobody knew the truth
[0:59] Leaf SpiritWeaver: The ghost, having looked into those terrible, beautiful, frozen eyes saw eternity..and there, he found love once again
[0:59] Leaf SpiritWeaver: He was trapped in the light that shone within the boys eyes
[0:59] Leaf SpiritWeaver: And the boy with the ghost in his eyes was never alone again.
[0:59] Leaf SpiritWeaver: Fini
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