Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Late night
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Just anger

Have you ever sold you soul and if so...Do you think it was worth it?
How's you do it? Did you plays with the bars. Oh their innocent looking enough.
Why not give it try little one? Let your body touch it...Yea that's right..glue your hot sticky body to that devil's stick. You like that metal between you thighs don't you b*sh? Soon you'll be the center stage star ..twisting and turning on the slick metal..burning flesh as searing as an cattle prod; poking, stabbing and claiming its mark onto the skin of your body ...until into the whole city knows you as you are..That YOU know you are.. a triple A whore.
Or better yet? Did some nice man offer you a job? You knew it had to happen..Your foot was already deeper in the hole then you thought;despite looking the other way at things. You take a peak into your wallet,but you have nick, nada, nothing. Did someone go overboard on the spending? You greedy little idiopathic hoarder. You already have shoes. What happened to the fucking shirts you bought yesterday? You don't wears wigs, why buy up all that bloody hair? Now what have you got yourself into? Cant impress pretty girls with that kind of stash can you hot shot? Pathetic...Your not trying hard enough.
Have you ever thought about your value hmmm? Well get a bloody reality check, cause we all have values,some worth it, others less then the grim that comes off murderer's boot.
Are you a worthless wooden dime?
Fake but tries to play like the big boys. Your a big old softy,unoriginal, uninspiring, a copycat of the real deal.
Or shiny golden dollar rusting...peeling away from acid until the face inside is lost and your no different then the rest of them...Those discarded pennies left in the trash..Flicked away into the street.rolling..rolling right into the gutters.
Use Less! Dammit!..UsElEsS forgotten.. stepped on..Nothing
They pay to play it ROUGH.
They say the ripping and tearing is normal..
Well I'm NOT normal.
I'm NOT fine.
Is there ever a gentle touch..Maybe in the beginning, if their experienced. HELL Shoot even they don't give a shit in the end as the tempo speed up...
I'm living,I'm alive my day goes on..I can breath intill I'm called again
...I remember the words of a friend.."Your better then this.."She says. The Words HE tells me scream louder "Better then what "His nauseating unshaven face asks me. Meekly as afraid of answering wrong as right,I reply "A slave I think she means Sir"..."Well are you?" His Beady little eyes bore all my confidence away and without realizing my eyes stare down and I look at the floor. As I nervelessly shake my head as he grins and pulls me along further along the path of my debarring my innocence.
They grab me...My hands hurt. What is this on my wrist? The one on the left locks an other on on my other hand..Stop..STOP.STOP!! You fucking bastards! Don't put an other one there.... LET GO NOW!
*Shooting Stars and the sky swallows my vision*
I'm knocked out..
What time is..it?
Where am I now...
Something on my face..It muffles my pleas to be let go..Pitch black..I always been afraid of the dark.I'm terrified..I cant shift my feet. Their bound tight..Banging my body against the wall only tires me out more...
I'm lonely ,I want to call someone...Anyone at all...When I try,my message gets blanked. I cant get help, he blocked me...My lines are dead..Cut..Ripped apart from the seems. Please Wont somebody get me? I crawl tighter into a ball as though to block out all the sorrow and the pain of the past few days.
My mind blanks, My brain eventually figures out I'm in the iron safe again...
Somehow I think I'm crying now , thought I still cant see anything...
...So I imagine my tears roll down my face and slips through the cracks under the walls and go out to reach somebody. Its a childish thought, but it calms me down and it me helps me pull through the quiet..I hate the quiet..I regret ever wishing to be deaf..Because the only sound in here is my own beating heart fighting my ribcage and my panicked breath against whatever in my mouth.
I don't think I care any more .. as the hours pass by And I lose track of time and Even I weaken as I start to miss....HIM.
Have you ever lost something important? Not some fucking dime-store trinket either..I mean your identity....
IT IT IT IT IT IT IT....Property...Thats what IT is..a THING...a mere TOY..IT Respects them, the betters. IT Always says their titles.. sir, master,and sire. I'm losing what I had ar'ent I?
My time
My freedom
My innocence
And finally my friends and family.
OH! lord don't forget the rules, don't fight it. Its law. Your just IT. What am I... I wont say it...You can make me..But I'll never tell..Your better off not knowing the truth..
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

P.s I love your poem Skully ;_;
Beautiful is an understatement
for a boy who brightens my day
with his simple laughter
whose eyes are a reflection
of shared kisses
who is ever in my mind
and in my troubled heart
as I lay in bed after dark
and I need you, love
like a rose needs the rain
how could you possibly know
how much
no, you don't know
about any of my secrets
my red ribbon for love
haphazordly around my neck
caressing my throat
a secret for songs
and poems never read
the moon calls me
late in the darkness
the words I sweetly
whisper about her
in third person
so as to forget she
is me
rain washing her
away from me
but my silk curls
hide Alize's secrets
and you'll never know them
until I love
with the truth of a paper-drawn
my muse pulls the words
and speaks in riddles
yet I'll not dedicate this
or then my jet black
would drop from my back
so for now
I'll soar the skies alone
and reach for the moon and the stars
so long as you are
forever out of reach
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I found the greatest site ever earlier called http://www.blogskins.com Which allows you to change your blog template which IS AMAZING O.O. I've found so many I liked already I might just keeping changing them depending on my mood.I know I already have today XD.
Just really ticked off...from a certain someone...Might try to stay off sl for a while...Later peeps
Friday, August 7, 2009
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